
Monday, December 16, 2019

BBN3402Satu2019: MINGGU 14 (DI SINI)

Banyak pengalaman yang saya perolehi semasa mengambil kursus BBN3402 bersama Prof. Dr. Normaliza. Semestinya pengalaman yang saya dapat semua manis-manis belaka. Prof. Dr. Normaliza seorang yang baik hati dan banyak bertolak ansur dengan kami sekelas dalam menyiapkan tugasan. Di samping itu, ahli kumpulan juga  yang banyak membantu, bekerjasama dan bertungkus lumus dalam menyiapkan tugasan ‘segera’ yang diberikan oleh Prof. Selain itu, banyak juga saya pelajari tentang penterjemahan. Antaranya ialah, Prof memberikan pendedahan kepada saya dan rakan-rakan sekelas cara untuk terjemah petikan atau teks dengan pantas. Saya juga dapat mengetahui aplikasi-aplikasi yang digunakan dalam menterjemah bahasa seperti Chitchat dan Parallink. Dalam kelas ini juga, Prof. amat menekankan tentang masa. Kami juga belajar peka dan patuh dengan masa. Dalam kelas ini juga, jikalau kita patuh dengan masa, semua kerja kita akan tergendala dan tidak boleh diteruskan. Oleh hal yang demikian, kerja penterjemahan ini mesti mengikut kriteria yang diperlukan oleh pihak atasan. Masa amat penting dan arahan penterjemahan perlu diikuti dengan sebaik-baiknya.
Dalam kelas BBN3402, kami perlu menterjemah dua buah buku berdasarkan kriteria yang diberikan oleh Prof. Kami juga diberikan masa dalam menyiapkan tugasan ini. Selain tu, saya dan rakan-rakan sekelas perlu membuat cerita berdasarkan watak baik dan watak jahat yang diberikan oleh Prof dan perlu menterjemahkannya ke dalam bahasa Inggeris. Watak-watak yang diberikan ialah watak haiwan. Seterusnya, kami mendengar cerita daripada Prof tentang kehidupannya dan perlu menterjemahkannya. Kami perlu mendengar satu persatu cerita Prof supaya tiada kesalahan dalam menterjemah. Sesungguhnya, kursus BBN3402 sangat memberikan pengalaman yang menarik dalam mempelajari sesuatu yang barušŸ„°.

BBN3402Satu2019: Minggu 14 (Terjemahan Blog Post 19 Disember 2019)

Terjemahan Blog Post 19 Disember 2012

Siti Nor Azielah Bt Mohamad


My Grandson

That little boy wants to spend the day dawn. She must have told her dad to get up and pray. That's Nur Maisarah, my son. She said again, Sofea got up early and didn't want to go to bed after that. So he wants to make a game and play. Aw, boy! Stop with the baby talk, DrNotts!

I can't wait to see Sofea. Keep missing her. Seeing her in blue with her hand because of the former needle, makes me want to kick her dad. It doesn't matter but let me emo. But by the time I get back, Sofea must be like her gwenma! Not?Cis.

Lana says she misses the gwenma. Mummy even misses gwenma. He also misses the gwenma. Keep shedding tears.

I didn't forget that my granddaughter was the hostess. Lana's disease. The boy who wants to pinch his deck. You're Lana, I'll pinch her cheeks and bite her. This is it.

Hurry up. If you can fast forward, I'm sure I'll be in Alamanda while shopping! Hahahhah. ok it's not funny!

Craving Like there is No Tomorrow

I am so craving for pizza. Pizza hut. But the closest pizza hut from Yongin is to Suwon which is 50km.

This is all because of Suzy (from Miss A girl band) in this TV commercial in Korea. He eats pizza until cheese melts. It was kind of tasty until my saliva was taken aback. That's why I told you to sit in the village. McD breakfast always used in Malaya is not here.

So what's the decision to eat pizza?

Lightning in Korea

At home I only have two channels on tv. I mean channel with stories. So last night, no matter where the lightning came from, there was no such channel. This is sure two new days is ok.

Lightning? There is lightning here. Suddenly misses the lightning of Malaya. New trails when needed. So here, when the weather seems to shift a little bit, there is no channel. Like astro in Malaysia. No need to have a lightning bolt. That's just the lightning. If it's lightning, sure it burns the TV. Erk, no offense to Astro.

Now, look at Arirang. I don't know what the plan is that will make me a million times over. I'm a TV ghost. When you don't have a TV, you have less appetite. Defeat, that's a big lie. No tv can bam bam cikebam cikebam (this one has the phrase for sofea and wool).

Bye. You can only visit this house.

Are you a Smug Eye?

That night I went out to eat. Just wanna find out. Moreover, because of the spicy flavor, I drank water until it was warm to the world. Inflatable, John! But it is best to get out even in this small village.

Forget it, I went to the bank too, pay the journal money. US180. Nowadays journal money is no big deal. From no publication, it's better to have no money. Uh, cheating. I'd rather have more money from the publication. Hahaha!

Korean Election Leave

Today is one Korean holiday. This is certainly the case because on TV the story of two candidates is running for president. Amazingly, one man and one girl.

If that girl wins, it's Korean history. Sejib is like a Daemul Korean drama. Big Shot, Big Shot! Uh, it was in the Sungkyungkwan Scandal drama. Anyways, I'm on leave. So is no different. Nowadays, I go through the process of getting fat and on leave.

You ate Suzy and drank DrNotts!

BBN3402Satu2019: Minggu 14 (Ulasan Buku 200 Quotes)

Ulasan 200 Quotes For You... For Us...


Siti Nor Azielah bt Mohamad


Ulasan buku

200 Quotes For You... For Us ditulis oleh Noraien Mansor dan Normaliza Abd Rahim. Buku ini diterbitkan pada 2017 di Penerbit UMT, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. Buku Quotes ini mengandungi 200 kata hikmah, 100 kata hikmah dari Normaliza Abd Rahim dan 100 kata hikmah dari Noraien Mansor. Pelbagai tema yang dipaparkan dalam buku tersebut iaitu tema kekeluargaan, persahabatan, percintaan, inspirasi dan sebagainya. Kata-kata hikmah ini dapat dijadikan perangsang atau semangat dalam kehidupan. Selain itu, kata-kata hikmah ini juga digunakan untuk orang lain yang memerlukan inspirasi atau kata semangat apabila berada dalam kesusahan dan bangkit dari kesilapan. Kata-kata hikmah ini juga banyak digunakan dalam kursus Penterjemahan Berbantukan Komputer. Kata-kata hikmah tersebut perlu diterjemah satu persatu mengikut tema.

Book Reviews
200 Quotes For You... For Us written by Noraien Mansor and Normaliza Abd Rahim. This book was published at 2017 in UMT, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. This Quotes book contains 200 wisdom words, 100 words wisdom of Normaliza Abd Rahim and 100 words wisdom from Noraien Mansor. The various themes displayed in the book are family themes, friendship, romance, inspiration and so on. This wisdom word can be a stimulant or a passion in life. In addition, these wisdom words are also used for other people who need inspiration or passion when they are in distress and rise from mistakes. These wisdom words are also widely used in computer-aided translation courses. The words of the wisdom need to be translated one by theme.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

BBN3402Satu2019: Minggu 13 (Wheelie Bin Hijau dan Cokelat di Luar Sudah Penuh)

Green Wheelie Bin and Outdoor Chocolate is Full

Siti Nor Azielah Bt Mohamad


Last night and this morning I had the operation to remove everything in the house. Yup. All items. There are still cans and bottles that have not been opened but since I don't know who I am, I threw them away. So many things to buy but not worth it and not to eat! It's very wasteful. Cis.

So I'll clear the fridge, too. It's clear now. Only the dishes and bowls and pots needed to be left in the trash last night. Have lunch first. So far bin recycle is full. Ishhh, where are we going to put this recycled stuff later?

Shame is fine with Neil the host. She's really good. By the way, this Neil has traveled all over the world. Of course he's gone to Malaya. So now, he's focused on family and business. This is really Neil. He already put the deposit in my account. It'll clear next week. But the landlord in Ireland didn't return my deposit. Yeah. 500 euros. Can buy anything.

Because Neil is good, I have to make sure this house is top tip before I leave. It's just the backyard that I didn't cut the grass a little higher than the Alim. Let's take a picture later. Sorry, Neil. I have no sickle or hoe.

Newly discovered three dead frogs in the Dead pool are Price Charming England. That's three.

So still wants to pack. The upper room is clear. Just a toilet will clear all the toiletries. Uh, it feels like I'm not the one packing. It's been almost 10 times since I moved to England and I can't even remember when I was packing. I think my kids did it all. It's nice to have these kids, too 

BBN3402Satu2019: Minggu 13 (Ulasan Buku Kajian Wacana Dan Strategi Komunikasi: Teori Dan Aplikasi)

Ulasan Buku Kajian Wacana Dan Strategi Komunikasi: Teori Dan Aplikasi

Siti Nor Azielah Bt Mohamad
Kajian Wacana dan Strategi Komunikasi: Teori dan Aplikasi
Penulis: Normaliza Abd Rahim
Tahun terbit: 2019
Tempat terbit:
Penerbit UMT, 
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
21030 Kuala Nerus
Terengganu, Malaysia
Harga: RM20

Buku ini mengandungi tujuh bab yang berkaitan dengan kajian wacana dan teori aplikasi. Bab 1 menghuraikan tentang definisi wacana yang dapat difahami dengan jelas dengan merujuk kepada wacana berbentuk teks, tulisan, ujaran dan interaksi. Bab 2 pula memperincikan tentang teori dan pendekatan analisis wacana yang boleh digunakan dalam menganalisis data yang diperoleh. Antara teorinya ialah teori analisis wacana Brown & Yule (1983), teori analisis wacana Stubbs (1983), teori analisis wacana kritis ( Vandijk, 19677), teori wacana kritis oleh Fairclough (1995), strategi kesopanan oleh Brown & Levinson (1987) dan sebagainya. Bab 3 menghuraikan tentang Model Penceritaan Cerita Sosial melalui Cerita Kanak-kanak yang dapat membantu dalam memberikan kesedaran terhadap kanak-kanak istimewa dan model ini memberikan ruang kepada penyelidik, guru sekolah dan ibu bapa menjalankan aktiviti bercerita kepada mereka. Cerita sosial dan model penceritaan ini juga dapat memberi tindak balas dari kanak-kanak istimewa di samping dapat mendorong kajian yang lebih jauh dari aspek pemahaman ayat yang lebih kompleks dan juga situasi yang berbeza setiap hari. Secara keseluruhannya, penggunaan teori analisis wacana dan strategi komunikasi dalam kajian dapat memberi impak terhadap penyelidikan. Teori analisis wacana dan strategi komunikasi yang bersesuaian dengan kajian juga diambil kira supaya kajian lebih bermanfaat kepada individu yang berkaitan serta masyarakat keseluruhannya.

Review of Discourse Studies and Communication Strategies: Theory and Application
Discourse Studies and Communication Strategies: Theory and Application
Author: Normaliza Abd Rahim
Publication year: 2019
Place of publish:
UMT Publisher,
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
21030 Kuala Nerus
Terengganu, Malaysia
Price: RM20

This book contains seven chapters related to discourse studies and application theory. Chapter 1 describes the definitions of discourse that can be clearly understood by referring to textual form, text speech and interaction. Chapter 2 discusses the theory and approach of discourse analysis that can be used in analyzing the data obtained. Among them are Brown & Yule’s (1983) discourse analysis theory, Stubbs’s (1983) discourse analysis theory, critical discourse analysis theory (Vandijk, 1967), critical discourse theory by Fairclough (1995), Brown & Levinson’s (1987) and coping strategies. etc. Chapter 3 outlines the social story telling model through kids stories that help create awareness for special children, and it gives researchers, school teachers and parents the opportunity to engage in storytelling activities. These social stories and storytelling models can also respond to special needs children as well as drive further study of the more complex aspects of verse comprehension and everyday situations. Overall, the use of discourse analysis theory and communication strategies in research can have an impact on research. The discourse analysis theory and communication strategies relevant individual as well as the community as a whole.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

BBN3402Satu2019: MINGGU12 (Model Penerimaan Teknologi)


Siti Nor Azielah Bt Mohamad


Faktor dalaman
Faktor luaran
l  Keselesaan
l  Faham
l  Percaya
l  Tumpuan
l  Sikap
l  Keberkesanan diri
l Mudah penggunaan
l Sistem yang berkualiti
l Pengaruh
l Kepentingan (usefulness)

Model Penerimaan Teknologi (Normaliza Abd Rahim,2019)

Internal Factor
External Factor
l  Comfort
l  Understand
l  Believe
l  Focus
l  Attitude
l  Self-efficacy
l Easy to use
l Quality system
l Influence
l Importance(usefulness)

Role Model Technology(Normaliza Abd Rahim,2019)

BBN3402Satu2019: MINGGU12 (Penanda Wacana- Eh!!! Media Sosial)


Siti Nor Azielah Bt Mohamad


Walau bagaimanpun (5)
Secara umumnya (3)
Pada asasnya (1)
Secara khususnya(1)
Oleh itu (6)
Akhirnya (2)
Seterusnya (2)
Pertama (1)
Kedua (1)
Selain itu (2)
Tambahan lagi (2)
Secara kesimpuannya (1)
Kemudian (1)
Sebaliknya (1)
Keseluruhannya (2)
Kesimpulannya (2)
However (5)
Generally  (3)
Basically (1)
Therefore (6)
Finally (2)
Next (2)
Firstly (1)
Second (1)
Besides (2)
In addition (2)
In conclusion (1)
Then (1)
Vice versa (1)
As a whole (2)
The conclusion (2)
Oleh itu (4)
Oleh demikian,
Justeru itu, (3)
Tambahan lagi, (5)
Sehubungan dengan itu,
Maka, (3)
Walaubagaimanapun, (2)
Selain itu, (2)
Lantaran itu,
Ini jelas menunjukkan (2)
Ini adalah disebabkan oleh
Malah, (2)
Ini boleh dilihat bahawa
Ini disebabkan
Secara keseluruhannya
Ini menunjukkan
Therefore (4)
Thus, hence (3)
Furthermore (5)
Then (3)
However (2)
However, nevertheless
Moreover (2)
This clearly shows (2)
This is due to
Instead, infact (2)
This can be seen that
This is because
Although, even though
As a whole
This shows
In conclusion
Oleh itu (3)
Dalam masa yang sama (5)
Walau bagaimanapun (6)
Disebabkan oleh (1)
Maka (2)
Akhirnya (1)
Walaupun (2)
Misalnya (1)
Selain itu (2)
Sebagai contoh (1)
Manakala (1)
Secara rumusannya (1)
Contohnya (2)
Oleh yang demikian (1)
Justeru itu (1)
Therefore (3)
At the same time (5)
However (6)
Due to (1)
Then (2)
Finally (1)
Although (2)
For example (1)
Addition (2)
For example (1)
While (1)
By formula (1)
For example (2)
As such (1)
Hence (1)
Maka (5)
Tambahan lagi (2)
Di mana
Secara khususnya
Kesimpulannya (2)
Dalam masa yang sama
Oleh itu (2)
Oleh demikian
Walau bagaimanapun
Dengan kaedah ini
So (5)
Additionally (2)
In particular
In Conclusion (2)
At the same time
Therefore (2)
Because of that
With this method
The summary

BBN3402Satu2019: MINGGU12 (Surat Along untuk Mak)

Surat Along untuk Mak

Siti Nor Azielah Bt Mohamad


Along please put all the items in the back room into the blue box. Shouted mom from the kitchen. Okay mom along for half already. Then come along and move on. Answer along while lifting the books scattered upstairs. Do you have any shoes in it? This must be where you forget your shoes are. Along nagging alone. Along holds the shoe box and is surprised that there are many more matching shoe boxes. Then, along the opening of the shoe box, there appears a 4x9 envelope arranged neatly. The envelope also appears to have been colored as if it had been stored for a long time. Along took one of the envelopes and opened it. A piece of blue paper smells good and slowly opens the letter. Love letter to this? Mom's love letter to the director? Think along slowly and start reading. Mom, how are you? Along with the prayer of good health morning and evening. Along with praying for your health. What are you cooking today? Fish sausage sambal ke? Along with how much you like it. Here along I can't cook for days. Occasionally buy jeans. But it tastes good compared to mom's. Especially to my wonderful mother. Today we went to the office along with a banquet. Not today, I want to be near the feast days. Along the way, where did you go? Along with always remembering my message. When out of office you have to record how many minutes you have to go out because you have to change your time off. Change later at 5pm. Mak always reminds you sincerely and honestly. There must be integrity and it can be scratched and spread when not working. Along with remembering my message. Last week, my friends in the office spotted me checking out and coming in when we went out in the morning. Along with not being able to bring any supplies, he asked why he had to write? At first he didn't want to talk, because some people would get angry later when he was pressured into the story of his mother's ordeal. She was shocked to find out. Some were silent as he spoke. Later that day, many people came along to see it all along. Each time he went out for a morning or evening drink, he would write in a notebook.

Every day along the way to work until 6:30 pm. It's just an hour's break. That along the 2 o'clock look was near the office door. Before this mom had a reason to come in, she returned to work at 2.30pm and had a 3. Phone call around her desk so she kept ringing at 2am. Who wants to ask that and this is on the phone along. I feel sorry for people who call that mom sometimes when I think of mom, when I tell along about all those who think this government worker keeps coming out to drink as well as it can be heard because along with a friend of the government staff go to work at 8am, go out for drinks at 9am and come back at 11am, at 12pm are gone somewhere. At 3 o'clock in the morning, we arrived at the office. There are even mornings and evenings out for drinks many times. I don't know when it's time for work. I don't know anything along with this mom. Have fun talking about work. She should ask about my mom. Hey mom, is the sweet potato back in the house big enough for you? I can't wait to help you remove the sweet potato. I want to ask you to cook the mashed potatoes along with the sweet potato stew to make your delicious sambal. Along with coconut butter also eat it with coconut. Oh My gosh. Jap mom wipe saliva. In fact along with millions of millions. I want to hug you everyday. Feel like sleeping with mom everyday. Please help me out with my mom, please help me get mad. Is your head itchy again? Later along, buy a new shampoo for mom. The old shampoo that you don't get is the head that itch. Next week along the way you know I'm going along to catch a fish near the river. Later along with cooking sambal fish. Even my little girl. Promise, that sambal along is almost identical to that of sambal mom. Along the end of this letter, you mom. Don't worry. Along with the usual bus ride during the day. Along the way is the night bus ride. Fear of falling asleep. Greetings to my dear mother along the way. Hug a kiss from along the way for a beautiful mom.

Along, 7 October 1993.

97th letter.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

BBN3402Satu2019: MINGGU 11 (BIOGRAPHY)


When I was at primary school, my father and my mother give me about 20 sen for school that money actually cannot buy anything. I would like prefer to safe everything. The thing is that I cycle to school from year five. We don’t call it year at that time, we call it standard five. I cycle from Sungai Kantan, I live at Kajang and my school at Jalan Cengkih and I did that untill in form five. When I was in form one until form five, I got transferred to Convent Kajang is almost to of course and the we have like so many Chinese and Malay and we have more Chinese and more Malay and all classes would be in English. Accept for Malay course and I was not a clever girl I actually not to say very clever but I was very very lazy because I love watch television at night so I slept at 11 or 12 at night and I try to myself to wake up morning at 6 and I have to start to cycling to school at 6:30 in morning. So, in Convent Kajang I met another friend. I did not do well in my LCE. Actually developed to PMR I lost to get certification because at that time I did not get good result actually and then I went to form 4 and form 5 in common class. Its not quality but its common class and we have 50 children in classroom I actually get number 48 because I was really not a good student until I was form 5 I get grade 2 and that time we have grade 1, grade 2 and grade 3 or fail and I only have one description it would be Malay. My result was not really good its only in bottom line between grade 2 and grade 3, but my parents they actually very happy. They though I will fail because I never never study. I hate study and I discover by late boomer means that I was a bit clever when I was old. When I young I was not clever at all and very lazy but my siblings especially because I had seven people in family and that was brother and then my youngest would be my youngest sister. But the brother. I am number 5 the brother is number 4 he is actually the cleverest in my family he always get number one and also after he LCE that will be develop to SPM he get a and offer and that time he was 18 years old. He got an offer to study in UK in England for five years. So, you just imagine having a brother a clever at the same school at the primary school, the teacher always compared between me and my brother. The teacher going to say the brother why the brother very clever and why the sister stupid. I was the sister. So, I felt inferior. Okay at the time living with the family who actually very clever I can’t inferior even my youngest sister also got offered to go to the US for study I did not go anywhere and that time my result did not good. So, I felt inferior myself I said no, I have to change my life. I will do something. I make sure I am the best in my family I did not get until and then I enter to university. I did TESL. I said no, I cannot stop here, I have to do my master because I want to be the whole family in the house and then while I’m doing my master, my clever brother he got his because he is an engineer he got his MA first and then I said no, I have to bet him again and suddenly my sister that second sister got her master in the US and I said why is everybody going overseas. What wrong with Malaysia here? What wrong with me? Why I cannot go anywhere? So, I strive to work hard, I say I have to change the perceptions of his this a guilty. The a guilty said this girl is stupid I said I have to change the perception and then I study and study and study which get I love reading. Suddenly, at school I hate reading but at this end I said I the late boomer. At the end, I love reading to search at all and I manage to get I am only one in the family to get PhD but suddenly my third brother not the clever brother got PhD too. Come on, I want to be the number one. So, I got my PhD my brother also got his PhD and I said no. I don’t want to same level, I want to be more. Although my third brother got his PhD he is a businessman. So, he cannot get Associate Professor because he is businessman. Okay, I said I have to do something. I got my Associate Professor and then I got my Professor. Now, I said everyone in my family look at me. I’m good I’m good, not yet. Suddenly, my first brother retired so what the point. My second sister who is the one who got the master in US who is also a Dato’ Seri because he Ketua Setiausaha. She also retired, so what is the point of me being a Professor when rest of my family already retired. So I cannot tell them about me good because they said we already 60 something and don’t want think anymore. No point of having a Professor in the age anymore. So, now the third brother also retiring the fourth brother who is really-really clever also retiring because he was already younger one year. So, if I get Professor also he going to say that okay. He got Professor in 50 and retired no point and my sister who is younger than me she actually to American. So, she live American which she already American citizen and now she want come back. Suddenly. Malaysia said not because she already she got out a citizen sheet. So, now when never she went come to Malaysian she must got a visa. Although, she really really a Malay but she already American and then one thing that I told her all the rest of family mention her ‘padan muka’ who told you because right now she already what. She 16 years old. She really went to come back. I said no, you cannot come back. You not Malaysian anymore although I said you are claim to take one the government send her abroad to study in the America and now she didn’t want to come back. Good for you. Okay anyway try to get them what you have try find your passion what you like best.

Sewaktu saya berada di sekolah rendah, ayah dan ibu saya memberi saya kira-kira 20 sen untuk sekolah bahawa wang sebenarnya tidak boleh membeli apa-apa. Saya ingin lebih suka selamat segala-galanya. Masalahnya ialah saya berpindah ke sekolah dari tahun lima. Kami tidak memanggilnya tahun pada masa itu, kami memanggilnya lima standard. Saya berpindah dari Sungai Kantan, saya tinggal di Kajang dan sekolah saya di Jalan Cengkih dan saya berbuat demikian dalam bentuk lima. Apabila saya berada dalam bentuk satu hingga lima, saya telah dipindahkan ke Convent Kajang hampir pasti dan kita mempunyai seperti orang Cina dan Melayu dan kita mempunyai lebih banyak bahasa Cina dan lebih banyak bahasa Melayu dan semua kelas dalam bahasa Inggeris. Terimalah kursus Bahasa Melayu dan saya bukan seorang gadis pandai yang saya tidak katakan sangat pandai tetapi saya sangat sangat malas kerana saya suka menonton televisyen pada waktu malam sehingga saya tidur 11 atau 12 malam dan saya cuba untuk bangun pagi di 6 dan saya perlu mula berbasikal ke sekolah jam 6.30 pagi. Oleh itu, di Convent Kajang saya bertemu rakan lain. Saya tidak berjaya dalam LCE saya. Sebenarnya dibangunkan untuk PMR saya hilang untuk mendapat persijilan kerana pada masa itu saya tidak mendapat keputusan yang baik dan kemudian saya pergi ke bentuk 4 dan membentuk 5 dalam kelas yang sama. Ia tidak berkualiti tetapi kelasnya yang biasa dan kita mempunyai 50 orang kanak-kanak di bilik darjah. Saya sebenarnya mendapat nombor 48 kerana saya benar-benar bukan pelajar yang baik sehingga saya membentuk 5 saya mendapat gred 2 dan pada masa itu kita mempunyai gred 1, gred 2 dan gred 3 atau gagal dan saya hanya mempunyai satu keterangan yang akan menjadi bahasa Melayu. Keputusan saya tidak begitu bagus hanya di peringkat bawah gred 2 dan gred 3, tetapi ibu bapa saya sebenarnya sangat gembira. Mereka walaupun saya akan gagal kerana saya tidak pernah belajar. Saya benci belajar dan saya dapati dengan boomer lewat bermakna saya agak pandai ketika saya sudah tua. Apabila saya muda saya tidak pandai sama sekali dan sangat malas tetapi adik-beradik saya terutamanya kerana saya mempunyai tujuh orang dalam keluarga dan itu saudara lelaki dan kemudian saya termuda adalah adik perempuan saya yang paling muda. Tetapi abangnya. Saya nombor 5 abang nombor 4 dia sebenarnya yang paling bijak dalam keluarga saya dia selalu mendapat nombor satu dan juga selepas dia LCE yang akan berkembang menjadi SPM dia mendapat dan menawarkan dan pada masa itu dia berusia 18 tahun. Beliau mendapat tawaran untuk belajar di UK di England selama lima tahun. Jadi, anda bayangkan mempunyai adik lelaki yang pandai pada masa yang sama sekolah di sekolah rendah, guru selalu membandingkan antara saya dan adik saya. Guru akan mengatakan abang mengapa abangnya sangat pandai dan mengapa adik perempuan itu bodoh. Saya adalah kakak. Oleh itu, saya berasa rendah diri. Baiklah pada waktu tinggal bersama keluarga yang benar-benar sangat pandai, saya tidak boleh kalah walaupun kakak bungsu saya juga ditawarkan untuk pergi ke AS untuk belajar saya tidak pergi ke mana-mana dan pada masa itu keputusan saya tidak baik. Jadi, saya merasa rendah diri saya berkata saya tidak, saya perlu menukar hidup saya. Saya akan melakukan sesuatu. Saya pastikan saya adalah yang terbaik dalam keluarga saya yang saya tidak mendapat sehingga dan saya masuk ke universiti. Saya telah melakukan TESL. Saya berkata tidak, saya tidak boleh berhenti di sini, saya perlu melakukan tuan saya kerana saya mahu menjadi seisi keluarga di rumah dan kemudian ketika saya melakukan tuan saya, saudara saya pintar dia mendapatnya kerana dia seorang jurutera yang dia dapatkan MA pertama dan kemudian saya berkata tidak, saya perlu bertaruh dia sekali lagi dan tiba-tiba kakak saya kakak kedua mendapat tuannya di AS dan saya katakan mengapa semua orang akan di luar negara. Apa yang salah dengan Malaysia di sini? Apa yang salah dengan saya? Mengapa saya tidak boleh pergi ke mana-mana sahaja? Oleh itu, saya bersusah payah bekerja keras, saya katakan saya perlu mengubah persepsi tentang perkara ini yang bersalah. Yang bersalah mengatakan gadis ini bodoh Saya katakan saya harus mengubah persepsi itu dan kemudian saya belajar dan belajar dan belajar yang saya suka membaca. Tiba-tiba, di sekolah saya benci membaca tetapi pada akhirnya saya kata saya boomer lewat. Pada akhirnya, saya suka membaca untuk mencari sama sekali dan saya berjaya mendapatkan saya hanya satu dalam keluarga untuk mendapatkan PhD tetapi tiba-tiba adik saya yang ketiga bukan saudara pintar mendapat PhD juga. Ayo, saya mahu menjadi nombor satu. Jadi, saya mendapat PhD saya adik saya juga mendapat PhD dan saya kata tidak. Saya tidak mahu tahap yang sama, saya mahu menjadi lebih. Walaupun adik saya yang ketiga mendapat PhD dia seorang ahli perniagaan, Jadi, dia tidak boleh mendapatkan Profesor Madya kerana dia adalah ahli perniagaan. Okay, saya kata saya perlu melakukan sesuatu. Saya mendapat Profesor Madya dan kemudian saya mendapat Profesor saya. Sekarang, saya katakan setiap orang dalam keluarga saya melihat saya. Saya baik saya baik, belum. Tiba-tiba, abang pertama saya bersara sehingga apa maksudnya. Kakak kedua saya yang menjadi tuan di AS yang juga Dato 'Seri kerana beliau Ketua Setiausaha. Dia juga bersara, jadi apa maksud saya menjadi Profesor ketika sisa keluarga saya sudah bersara. Jadi saya tidak boleh memberitahu mereka mengenai saya baik kerana mereka mengatakan kita sudah ada sesuatu dan tidak mahu berfikir lagi. Tiada titik lagi mempunyai Profesor pada zaman itu. Jadi, kini saudaranya yang ketiga juga akan bersara kepada abang keempat yang benar-benar pandai juga akan bersara kerana dia sudah lebih muda satu tahun. Jadi, jika saya mendapat Profesor juga dia akan mengatakan bahawa okay. Dia mendapat Profesor dalam 50 dan tidak bersara dan kakak saya yang lebih muda daripada saya sebenarnya dia kepada Amerika. Jadi, dia tinggal Amerika yang dia sudah warganegara Amerika dan sekarang dia mahu kembali. Tiba-tiba. Malaysia berkata bukan kerana dia sudah keluar lembaran rakyat. Jadi, sekarang apabila dia tidak pernah pergi ke Malaysia dia mesti mendapat visa. Walaupun, dia benar-benar seorang Melayu tetapi dia sudah menjadi Amerika dan kemudian satu perkara yang saya beritahu dia semua ahli keluarga menyebutnya 'padan muka' yang memberitahu anda kerana sekarang dia sudah apa. Dia berumur 16 tahun. Dia benar-benar pergi untuk kembali. Saya tidak berkata, anda tidak boleh kembali. Anda bukan rakyat Malaysia lagi walaupun saya katakan anda mengaku mengambil satu kerajaan menghantarnya ke luar negeri untuk belajar di Amerika dan sekarang dia tidak mahu kembali. Baik untuk anda. Okay juga cuba untuk mendapatkan mereka apa yang anda cuba cari semangat anda apa yang anda suka terbaik.

Siti Nor Azielah Bt Mohamad

Time: 4:00 p.m

Venue: Bilik AlHadi